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Mystical Altar Skull - Cholla Cactus, Skull Medicine, Howlite, Chalcedony, Copper, Glowing Pebble,Serpentine, Bloodstone, Aventurine,

Walking with Gaia
Assists with Healing, Seeing from a Higher Perspective & Opening to Higher Consciousness; Strengthens Spiritual Growth, Channeling, Intuition & Inner Vision; Encourages Shining Your Light, Realizing Your Own Potential & Being of Service in Your Individual Way; Assists with Deeply Connecting to Higher Realms, Mother Earth, the Divine Feminine & Inner Depths; Fosters Healing & Releasing Patterned Emotions, Sabotaging Behaviors & Old Stories; Aids with Navigating Change & Transformation with Ease; Promotes Emotional & Physical Healing; Opens, Clears & Aligns the Heart, Throat, 3rd Eye & Crown Chakras; Heals & Opens the Throat Chakra Empowering Speaking Your Truth, Heart Centered Communication & Light Language; Transmutes Negative Energies & Offers Protection; Alchemically Transmutes Deep Wounds & Anger; Encourages Joy, Defenselessness, Discernment, Peace, Inner Strength, Optimism, Harmony, Abundance, Emotional Stability, Confidence, Abundance, Confidence, Self-Esteem Adaptability, Goodwill, Reverence for Life & Curiosity.

Cholla Cactus Medicine - Helps with Letting Go of your present way of thinking & being so that you can see from a higher perspective. Assists with healing and releasing struggle, defensiveness, limitation and fear. Aids with opening the mind to Higher Consciousness and stepping into a more integrated Higher Self. Encourages being open hearted within your relationships. Helps us with using and being grateful for all that we have, rather than always wanting more. Reminds us to Never Give Up!! No matter how hard the journey may get.

Skull Medicine - reminds you that beauty alone is never enough but when paired with cunning prowess and agility, can be a winning combination all together. Just like the big cats, you were born to shine brightly in your own unique way. Helps you use your wits and aloofness to overcome negativity energy and keeping your positive vibration high. By putting enough effort into realizing your own full potential and purpose in life, big cat medicine keeps jealousy away. Also allows you to hold your head up high under stressful situations.

Howlite - known for its strong associations with self-awareness, creativity, and improving one’s emotional well-being and attitudes. Aids in dispelling anger, resentfulness, selfishness, and allows one to look inside the for answers. It also aids in communicating the negative emotions with a clearer emotional expression, which will always result in calmer ‘confrontations’. It decreases the over critical mind and quite helpful for those who tend to procrastinate. Assists with gaining insight from one’s past lives.

Chalcedony - invokes a stillness of silent reverence. A nurturing stone that absorbs negative energy and dissipates it. Promotes brotherhood and good will, opening the mind to new ideas, instilling feelings of benevolence and generosity. Eases self-doubt and brings a helpful peace to inner reflection. It can remove hostility and encourage a light-hearted optimism. A stone of communication, stimulates the Throat Chakra. Is a powerful stone for communicating with Spirit and can be used to encourage speaking in tongues or the language of Light. It is very beneficial in repairing wounds and deep anger patterns in the energy field.

Golden Chalcedony - is a stone of good will and brotherhood. Invites you to evolve and integrate into deeper levels of your authenticity. Aids with harmony of mind, body and emotions, healing and self-expression of inner knowledge.

Copper - is an excellent conductor of energy, from electricity to the mystical subtle energies emanating from higher planes, etc. Thus, copper is said to enhance and transmit thoughts, even over long distances. Considered the mineral of agility and quick wit. Assists with directing healing energy within the physical body. Copper is linked with Venus, both the planet and the goddess of love.

Fur Medicine - a symbol of prosperity, abundance, and fertility. Symbolic of longevity because of its ability to reproduce and build ancestry. Also reminds us to be quick on our feet when it comes to doing the things that we love and be fast to recognize opportunities move us toward our goals.

Glowing Pebble – Ye Ming Zhu - Naturally occurring luminescent stone. Encourages allowing one’s on light to shine from within. Assists with releasing fears, limitation & habitual patterns. Offers protection and aids with grounding. Assists with seeing the magic of life.

Serpentine – Atlantisite - exceptional meditation stone. It helps you to find inner peace. May stimulate the arousal of the kundalini energies. Useful in clearing away blockages in the chakras. Promotes cellular regeneration and healing. Assists letting go of the past. Encourages connection with the elementals and fairy realm. Assists with sending healing and love to Mother Earth. Great for finding ways to look at situations from a higher perspective. Soothing to the emotional body allowing for change and growth to be done with more ease. Can help with being less sensitive to the thoughts, comments or opinions of others. It can help you feel more self-confident and less invested in receiving external praise or appreciation. It engenders a sense of being protected, stimulating you to move into new realms and social circles without hesitancy or fear. Serpentine is a grounding stone that will help you with meditation and spiritual exploration. This stone clears the chakras and stimulates the crown chakra. It opens your psychic abilities and helps you understand the spiritual basis of life.

Bloodstone - aligns all levels with the physical realm and helps your soul to strive upwards, towards the light of the Divine. It strengthens your will to do good. An intense healer and stone of courage, it helps to accept the re-alignment of energies and helps you to be present in the moment. Use Bloodstone for renewal of your physical, mental and emotional bodies. It helps to revitalize love, relationships and friendships.

Aventurine - is one that aligns conditions so “opportunity” is inevitable, which is why it is often call the good luck stone. Releases old patterns, habits and disappointments so new growth can take place. It brings optimism and a zest for life, allowing one to move forward with confidence and to embrace change. It enhances one’s creativity and motivation and encourages perseverance in maneuvering life’s obstacles. It also reinforces one’s decisiveness and amplifies leadership qualities, injecting a sense of humor and openness to the ideas of others. Very connected to the Heart Chakra and the energy of Love.

Tree Agate - a stone of inner peace. Gentle Tree Agate calms nerves and deepens meditation and prayer. Brings our focus to the oneness of us all, dissolving egoism and arrogance. Use to ease relationship problems with children. Is a healer of geopathic stress; by emitting its calming and centering energies into the environment. Carries a quiet energy that works on the subtle bodies and are great for achieving stability and balance in many aspects of one’s life. Tends to work behind the scenes on the cause, instead of the symptom, of an issue. Is believed to improve mental functions and can help where issues of clarity and stability are concerned. Also helpful in overcoming negative emotions by bringing love into the chakras.

Jadeite - assists you in connecting to your inner self – the Divine within. It brings you joy, love, prosperity and abundance. Used as a protector, it also brings in an appreciation and openness to beauty and serenity. Jade provides clarity, modesty, courage, justice and wisdom. It is the stone of peace, bringing serenity to your mind by releasing negative thoughts. It’s a stone of balance and healing and alleviates anxiety and fear-based emotions. Jade assists in seeing the truth in all situations.

Seraphinite – Has a lovely spiritual energy that may help your search for spiritual enlightenment and will assist with self-healing. It aids your connection to beings in the angelic realm and may help you make contact with the Divine Feminine. Assists with connecting to nature spirits. It has impressive healing attributes for both physical and emotional healing. A stone to aid in bringing Divine Light into your being.

Emerald - balances emotional turmoil, and the confusion of your time and space perceptions, centering and bringing you into the Now. It encourages you to contemplate Spirit, the desire to serve, brotherly love and truth. It intensifies your Chakra energies and opens you up to your own Divinity and bestows deeper spiritual insight. Emerald brings you prosperity, tranquility, compassion and balance. Emerald is the stone of physical immortality and rejuvenation, the fountain of youth that keeps youthfulness.

Green Tourmaline - is a healer on all levels. Used to purify and strengthen your nervous system so that it can circulate increased spiritual energy. it is also commonly used for the creation and manifestation of goals and is believed to be particularly helpful for creativity and abundance. Helps you to see with the eyes of love. Opens and aligns the heart chakra. Increases ability to connect with Divine Love.

Peridot – it opens, cleanses and activates the heart and solar plexus chakras and releases old hurts, wounds and guilt. It is a stone of compassion. Teaches to detach from outside influences to look within for guidance. Peridot encourages doing the work to release patterns and old vibrations so that a new path or direction can be found. It has a friendly energy and is excellent for healing. It enhances confidence and assertiveness, balanced by patience and clarity of thought. It is known as a stone for prosperity and happiness. A good stone to wear for protection against psychic attack, so it is especially good to use while doing spiritual work.

Tsavorite Garnet - in particular has been said to enhance fertility. It brings strength and confidence, teaches relaxation and inspires service and cooperation. Is connected with the principle of love. It is supposed to be extremely beneficial when it comes to ensuring a good relationship with your partner. It improves clarity of perception, knowledge about love, and understanding for your partner. It is restorative and freeing, bringing new strength in difficult phases of life. It can open and cleanse the Heart Chakra, increasing zest and vitality, and inducing feelings of charity and benevolence.

Green Tanzberry Quartz - infuses root and sacral chakras with energy. The inclusions within amplify the stone’s fire and earth energies. Assists in increasing the flow of confidence, positive thinking, manifestation and helps channel creative energy. Facilitates emotional healing, positive sexual expression and personal power.

Malachite – a stone of transformation; helps with change and spiritual evolution; clears and activates chakras; bridges the energy of heart and root chakras. Is particularly useful for balancing and clearing the Heart Chakra. Very protective; good for enhancing emotional stability and balance.

Green Calcite - harmonizes the electrical energy circuits of your body. It balances your etheric body and facilitates the seamless merging of your physical and spiritual bodies. Perfect for creating harmony and balance in your life as it constantly works to align your energies. It’s also great for grounding and opening your heart to areas where there may have been fear before. It is light and purposeful, a great companion to use in healing and centering your energies.

Heulandite - assists in moving through inter-dimensional spaces and facilitates the reading and understanding of Akashic Records. Facilitates meditative states and aids with channeling. Aids with healing and releasing the past so that you can be open to possibilities. Supports the evolution of the brain and the development of higher consciousness. Stimulates dreams and visions. Opens the third eye chakra. Powerful tool for self-healing.

Labradorite - often called the ‘Temple of the Stars.’ In meditation, it brings the light of other planetary beings to the soul of the user, to bring the galactic evolved energies from other worlds to the Earth Plane. It can help you to traverse changes, attracting strength and perseverance and providing clarity to psychic sight, patience and a sense of perfect timing. Is a stone of transformation. It clears, balances and protects your aura though changes, reduces stress and attracts success. It helps provide clarity and insight into your destiny. It can be used for dream recall and finding ways to use dreams in your daily life. Increases intuition, psychic development, esoteric wisdom, helps with subconscious issues and provides mental illumination.

Infused with the energies of Reiki & The Councils of Light

8 inches tall.

Comes with a card that describes all the properties of the wood, stones, and animals.

Download my Free Self-Love Shamanic Vibration Meditation -

Blog - How to Care for Your Wood

Materials: Cholla Cactus,Skull Medicine,Howlite,Chalcedony,Golden Chalcedony,Copper,Glowing Pebble,Serpentine,Bloodstone,Aventurine,Tree Agate,Jadeite,Seraphinite

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Cholla Cactus, Skull Medicine, Howlite, Chalcedony, Copper, Glowing Pebble,Serpentine, Bloodstone, Aventurine, Emerald, Mystical Altar Skull

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Mystical Altar Skull - Cholla Cactus, Skull Medicine, Howlite, Chalcedony, Copper, Glowing Pebble,Serpentine, Bloodstone, Aventurine,

Walking with Gaia
Assists with Healing, Seeing from a Higher Perspective & Opening to Higher Consciousness; Strengthens Spiritual Growth, Channeling, Intuition & Inner Vision; Encourages Shining Your Light, Realizing Your Own Potential & Being of Service in Your Individual Way; Assists with Deeply Connecting to Higher Realms, Mother Earth, the Divine Feminine & Inner Depths; Fosters Healing & Releasing Patterned Emotions, Sabotaging Behaviors & Old Stories; Aids with Navigating Change & Transformation with Ease; Promotes Emotional & Physical Healing; Opens, Clears & Aligns the Heart, Throat, 3rd Eye & Crown Chakras; Heals & Opens the Throat Chakra Empowering Speaking Your Truth, Heart Centered Communication & Light Language; Transmutes Negative Energies & Offers Protection; Alchemically Transmutes Deep Wounds & Anger; Encourages Joy, Defenselessness, Discernment, Peace, Inner Strength, Optimism, Harmony, Abundance, Emotional Stability, Confidence, Abundance, Confidence, Self-Esteem Adaptability, Goodwill, Reverence for Life & Curiosity.

Cholla Cactus Medicine - Helps with Letting Go of your present way of thinking & being so that you can see from a higher perspective. Assists with healing and releasing struggle, defensiveness, limitation and fear. Aids with opening the mind to Higher Consciousness and stepping into a more integrated Higher Self. Encourages being open hearted within your relationships. Helps us with using and being grateful for all that we have, rather than always wanting more. Reminds us to Never Give Up!! No matter how hard the journey may get.

Skull Medicine - reminds you that beauty alone is never enough but when paired with cunning prowess and agility, can be a winning combination all together. Just like the big cats, you were born to shine brightly in your own unique way. Helps you use your wits and aloofness to overcome negativity energy and keeping your positive vibration high. By putting enough effort into realizing your own full potential and purpose in life, big cat medicine keeps jealousy away. Also allows you to hold your head up high under stressful situations.

Howlite - known for its strong associations with self-awareness, creativity, and improving one’s emotional well-being and attitudes. Aids in dispelling anger, resentfulness, selfishness, and allows one to look inside the for answers. It also aids in communicating the negative emotions with a clearer emotional expression, which will always result in calmer ‘confrontations’. It decreases the over critical mind and quite helpful for those who tend to procrastinate. Assists with gaining insight from one’s past lives.

Chalcedony - invokes a stillness of silent reverence. A nurturing stone that absorbs negative energy and dissipates it. Promotes brotherhood and good will, opening the mind to new ideas, instilling feelings of benevolence and generosity. Eases self-doubt and brings a helpful peace to inner reflection. It can remove hostility and encourage a light-hearted optimism. A stone of communication, stimulates the Throat Chakra. Is a powerful stone for communicating with Spirit and can be used to encourage speaking in tongues or the language of Light. It is very beneficial in repairing wounds and deep anger patterns in the energy field.

Golden Chalcedony - is a stone of good will and brotherhood. Invites you to evolve and integrate into deeper levels of your authenticity. Aids with harmony of mind, body and emotions, healing and self-expression of inner knowledge.

Copper - is an excellent conductor of energy, from electricity to the mystical subtle energies emanating from higher planes, etc. Thus, copper is said to enhance and transmit thoughts, even over long distances. Considered the mineral of agility and quick wit. Assists with directing healing energy within the physical body. Copper is linked with Venus, both the planet and the goddess of love.

Fur Medicine - a symbol of prosperity, abundance, and fertility. Symbolic of longevity because of its ability to reproduce and build ancestry. Also reminds us to be quick on our feet when it comes to doing the things that we love and be fast to recognize opportunities move us toward our goals.

Glowing Pebble – Ye Ming Zhu - Naturally occurring luminescent stone. Encourages allowing one’s on light to shine from within. Assists with releasing fears, limitation & habitual patterns. Offers protection and aids with grounding. Assists with seeing the magic of life.

Serpentine – Atlantisite - exceptional meditation stone. It helps you to find inner peace. May stimulate the arousal of the kundalini energies. Useful in clearing away blockages in the chakras. Promotes cellular regeneration and healing. Assists letting go of the past. Encourages connection with the elementals and fairy realm. Assists with sending healing and love to Mother Earth. Great for finding ways to look at situations from a higher perspective. Soothing to the emotional body allowing for change and growth to be done with more ease. Can help with being less sensitive to the thoughts, comments or opinions of others. It can help you feel more self-confident and less invested in receiving external praise or appreciation. It engenders a sense of being protected, stimulating you to move into new realms and social circles without hesitancy or fear. Serpentine is a grounding stone that will help you with meditation and spiritual exploration. This stone clears the chakras and stimulates the crown chakra. It opens your psychic abilities and helps you understand the spiritual basis of life.

Bloodstone - aligns all levels with the physical realm and helps your soul to strive upwards, towards the light of the Divine. It strengthens your will to do good. An intense healer and stone of courage, it helps to accept the re-alignment of energies and helps you to be present in the moment. Use Bloodstone for renewal of your physical, mental and emotional bodies. It helps to revitalize love, relationships and friendships.

Aventurine - is one that aligns conditions so “opportunity” is inevitable, which is why it is often call the good luck stone. Releases old patterns, habits and disappointments so new growth can take place. It brings optimism and a zest for life, allowing one to move forward with confidence and to embrace change. It enhances one’s creativity and motivation and encourages perseverance in maneuvering life’s obstacles. It also reinforces one’s decisiveness and amplifies leadership qualities, injecting a sense of humor and openness to the ideas of others. Very connected to the Heart Chakra and the energy of Love.

Tree Agate - a stone of inner peace. Gentle Tree Agate calms nerves and deepens meditation and prayer. Brings our focus to the oneness of us all, dissolving egoism and arrogance. Use to ease relationship problems with children. Is a healer of geopathic stress; by emitting its calming and centering energies into the environment. Carries a quiet energy that works on the subtle bodies and are great for achieving stability and balance in many aspects of one’s life. Tends to work behind the scenes on the cause, instead of the symptom, of an issue. Is believed to improve mental functions and can help where issues of clarity and stability are concerned. Also helpful in overcoming negative emotions by bringing love into the chakras.

Jadeite - assists you in connecting to your inner self – the Divine within. It brings you joy, love, prosperity and abundance. Used as a protector, it also brings in an appreciation and openness to beauty and serenity. Jade provides clarity, modesty, courage, justice and wisdom. It is the stone of peace, bringing serenity to your mind by releasing negative thoughts. It’s a stone of balance and healing and alleviates anxiety and fear-based emotions. Jade assists in seeing the truth in all situations.

Seraphinite – Has a lovely spiritual energy that may help your search for spiritual enlightenment and will assist with self-healing. It aids your connection to beings in the angelic realm and may help you make contact with the Divine Feminine. Assists with connecting to nature spirits. It has impressive healing attributes for both physical and emotional healing. A stone to aid in bringing Divine Light into your being.

Emerald - balances emotional turmoil, and the confusion of your time and space perceptions, centering and bringing you into the Now. It encourages you to contemplate Spirit, the desire to serve, brotherly love and truth. It intensifies your Chakra energies and opens you up to your own Divinity and bestows deeper spiritual insight. Emerald brings you prosperity, tranquility, compassion and balance. Emerald is the stone of physical immortality and rejuvenation, the fountain of youth that keeps youthfulness.

Green Tourmaline - is a healer on all levels. Used to purify and strengthen your nervous system so that it can circulate increased spiritual energy. it is also commonly used for the creation and manifestation of goals and is believed to be particularly helpful for creativity and abundance. Helps you to see with the eyes of love. Opens and aligns the heart chakra. Increases ability to connect with Divine Love.

Peridot – it opens, cleanses and activates the heart and solar plexus chakras and releases old hurts, wounds and guilt. It is a stone of compassion. Teaches to detach from outside influences to look within for guidance. Peridot encourages doing the work to release patterns and old vibrations so that a new path or direction can be found. It has a friendly energy and is excellent for healing. It enhances confidence and assertiveness, balanced by patience and clarity of thought. It is known as a stone for prosperity and happiness. A good stone to wear for protection against psychic attack, so it is especially good to use while doing spiritual work.

Tsavorite Garnet - in particular has been said to enhance fertility. It brings strength and confidence, teaches relaxation and inspires service and cooperation. Is connected with the principle of love. It is supposed to be extremely beneficial when it comes to ensuring a good relationship with your partner. It improves clarity of perception, knowledge about love, and understanding for your partner. It is restorative and freeing, bringing new strength in difficult phases of life. It can open and cleanse the Heart Chakra, increasing zest and vitality, and inducing feelings of charity and benevolence.

Green Tanzberry Quartz - infuses root and sacral chakras with energy. The inclusions within amplify the stone’s fire and earth energies. Assists in increasing the flow of confidence, positive thinking, manifestation and helps channel creative energy. Facilitates emotional healing, positive sexual expression and personal power.

Malachite – a stone of transformation; helps with change and spiritual evolution; clears and activates chakras; bridges the energy of heart and root chakras. Is particularly useful for balancing and clearing the Heart Chakra. Very protective; good for enhancing emotional stability and balance.

Green Calcite - harmonizes the electrical energy circuits of your body. It balances your etheric body and facilitates the seamless merging of your physical and spiritual bodies. Perfect for creating harmony and balance in your life as it constantly works to align your energies. It’s also great for grounding and opening your heart to areas where there may have been fear before. It is light and purposeful, a great companion to use in healing and centering your energies.

Heulandite - assists in moving through inter-dimensional spaces and facilitates the reading and understanding of Akashic Records. Facilitates meditative states and aids with channeling. Aids with healing and releasing the past so that you can be open to possibilities. Supports the evolution of the brain and the development of higher consciousness. Stimulates dreams and visions. Opens the third eye chakra. Powerful tool for self-healing.

Labradorite - often called the ‘Temple of the Stars.’ In meditation, it brings the light of other planetary beings to the soul of the user, to bring the galactic evolved energies from other worlds to the Earth Plane. It can help you to traverse changes, attracting strength and perseverance and providing clarity to psychic sight, patience and a sense of perfect timing. Is a stone of transformation. It clears, balances and protects your aura though changes, reduces stress and attracts success. It helps provide clarity and insight into your destiny. It can be used for dream recall and finding ways to use dreams in your daily life. Increases intuition, psychic development, esoteric wisdom, helps with subconscious issues and provides mental illumination.

Infused with the energies of Reiki & The Councils of Light

8 inches tall.

Comes with a card that describes all the properties of the wood, stones, and animals.

Download my Free Self-Love Shamanic Vibration Meditation -

Blog - How to Care for Your Wood

Materials: Cholla Cactus,Skull Medicine,Howlite,Chalcedony,Golden Chalcedony,Copper,Glowing Pebble,Serpentine,Bloodstone,Aventurine,Tree Agate,Jadeite,Seraphinite

Only 1 available

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