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Shamanic Healing Altar Piece- Selenite, Pink Amethyst, Chalcedony, White Calcite, Cobalt Calcite

Awakening to Love
Assists with Connecting to Higher Realms, Mother Earth, the Divine Feminine, the Water Element & Inner Wisdom; Strengthens & Heals the Crown Chakra; Promotes Higher Consciousness; Assists with Healing & Releasing Old Wounds & Trauma; Opens the Heart to Higher Levels of Love & Possibilities; Offers Protection; Amplifies Healing; Quickens Spiritual Awakening; Promotes Spiritual & Psychic Development; Enhances Channeling, Inner Vision & Psychic Gifts; Opens the Throat Chakra Empowering Heart Centered Communication; Promotes Transformation & Evolution; Aligns the Chakras & Subtle Bodies; Assists with Healing & Releasing Self-Imposed Blocks, Patterned Toxic Emotions, Negative Thought Patterns & Deep Emotional Wounds; Opens the Heart and High Heart Allowing Pure Love to Flow Through; Fosters Self-Love, Acceptance of Body Temple & Confidence; Encourages Wisdom, Strength, Calm Mind, Love, Prosperity, Truthfulness, Open, Clarity, Creativity, Courage, Peace & Happiness.

Selenite - clears your Chakras of blockages and heals your physical body. It balances your relationship with the Universe, assists you in connecting with other people and all of life. It let’s you consciously understand your own Truth, the part of yourself that is pure spirit, helping you to work with your purpose for being in this physical existence. Has the ability to help you filter out ego-based messages and thoughts, it is an excellent crystal for meditation. Selenite is a stone of mental clarity, enhancing mental flexibility, strengthening decisions, and also helping to clear up mental confusion.

Pink Amethyst - offers strong protection against the negative energies of the environment and the bad spirits around you. Assists with achieving bigger goals in life. It aids in healing and releasing old wounds. Strengthens the health of 7th chakra and relieves all ailments associated. It directs the personal power to align with the highest goals in life. Aids with opening to new relationships. Enhances the connection with the higher states of meditation and consciousness.

Chalcedony - invokes a stillness of silent reverence. A nurturing stone, absorbs negative energy and dissipates it. Promotes brotherhood and good will, opening the mind to new ideas, instilling feelings of benevolence and generosity. Eases self-doubt and brings a helpful peace to inner reflection. It can remove hostility and encourage a light-hearted optimism. A stone of communication, stimulates the Throat Chakra. Is a powerful stone for communicating with Spirit and can be used to encourage speaking in tongues or the language of Light. It is very beneficial in repairing wounds and deep anger patterns in the energy field.

White Calcite - amplifies and cleanses energy from the environment. Restores motivation and accelerates growth and development. Raises consciousness, links to higher spiritual states and awakens psychic abilities. Absorbs energy and returns it to the sender having transmuted and amplified it. Cleanses the auric field and chakras, and is the stone of new beginnings. Useful for past life healing situations.

Cobalt Calcite - a druzy, crystalline form of Pink Calcite & will allow the integration of positive energy within all levels of your Chakra system. The positive energy being love, compassion, and the understanding of unity within diversity. This brings tolerance, forgiveness and ultimately the complete expression of Universal love and self-love. It relieves all stress, tension and anxiety, especially about your physical body. Cobaltian Calcite's energy can just melt and dissolve your resistance to loving yourself enough to honor your body as the temple of your soul.

Kunzite - is a Stone of Emotion, opening and connecting the heart to the mind and stimulating a healing communion between the two. Encourages releasing walls built around the heart for protection and being receptive to the experience of unconditional and abundant love. Releases tension and promotes joy. Extremely helpful when learning to unconditionally love and accept your body. Can strengthen the human energy field, clear the aura, and clear negative energy from a room or environment. One of the strongest crystals in the pack for sweeping away any kind of dark feelings of gloom or negative thinking. Promotes peace by soothing the nervous system.

Pink Tourmaline (Rubellite) – great for self-love, compassion, promoting feelings of joy and enthusiasm; releasing old hurts; aids in trusting the power of love; allows you to embrace your inner strength, confidence and balance.

Howlite - known for its strong associations with self-awareness, creativity, and improving one’s emotional well-being and attitudes. Aids in dispelling anger, resentfulness, selfishness, and allows one to look inside the for answers. It also aids in communicating the negative emotions with a clearer emotional expression, which will always result in calmer ‘confrontations’. It decreases the over critical mind and quite helpful for those who tend to procrastinate. Assists with gaining insight from one’s past lives.
Black Tourmaline - clears negative emotions and thoughts and opens you up to joy and honesty. Aids in the receptivity of inspiration and allows it to flow freely into your mind. Repels negative energy. Is a powerful protector. Helps you break through old patterns and fears, and cultivate inner wisdom, courage, stability and patience. Meditation with Black Tourmaline can enhance the integration of insights and visions into one's daily life.

Rhodochrosite – perfect for balancing emotions; cleansing and balancing the Heart chakra; promotes acceptance of the past; assists in loving the self; assists in releasing self from blame, invokes courage, will & passion. A powerful emotional healer, radiating a strong energy of Divine Love; Deepens connections and love for Pacha Mama (Gaia).

Heulandite - assists in moving through inter-dimensional spaces and facilitates the reading and understanding of Akashic Records. Facilitates meditative states and aids with channeling. Aids with healing and releasing the past so that you can be open to possibilities. Supports the evolution of the brain and the development of higher consciousness. Stimulates dreams and visions. Opens the third eye chakra. Powerful tool for self-healing.

Scolecite - a stone of connections, patterns, and peace. It has energy for helping to see patterns of information, make connections, network, and collect patterns together. Can also assist with understanding the root of a problem or issue or challenge so that it can be worked with and overcome successfully. This energy can help take control of life so that what you want can be manifested. The peaceful energies are far-reaching and can help one learn gentleness, inner peace, living from the heart with peace and lack of fear. Opens one up to the spiritual realms beyond the physical plane.

Rose Quartz – Stone of Unconditional Love and Infinite Peace; purifies and opens the heart; brings deep inner healing and self-love; strengthens empathy and sensitivity; aids in releasing unexpressed emotions; invokes forgiveness and acceptance. Soothes social anxiety.

Dumortierite - Blue Quartz - brings this sense of order and clarity to all things, and releases fear, bringing courage to one's life. It is also acts as a booster for creativity and expression, bringing raw creative energy into an organized state allowing higher expression of that creativity. Raises spiritual development, as well as contact with spirit guides and angels. It can also help you express your spiritual thoughts and dreams. Is excellent for peaceful mindfulness or meditation bringing clarity to the connection with the universe. Assists with co-dependency issues.

Azurite – Guides psychic and intuitive development; urges the soul toward enlightenment; cleanses and stimulates the 3rd eye; raises consciousness to higher level; facilitates meditative and channeling state; powerful healer; aids in understanding the effect of the mind and emotions on the body.

Abalone Shell - is purported to be especially useful for handling and calming emotional situations and be very soothing to the emotions. Having abalone nearby when working through an emotional situation with someone can be beneficial and may enhance cooperation. Stimulates psychic development and intuition. It is also said to promote imagination in a healthy way. Associated with the first three chakras.

Blue Kyanite - The high vibration and rapid transfers of energy from Kyanite create pathways where none existed before. Like a universal bridge, it is an extraordinary crystal of connection, opening the mind centers, enhancing telepathic and psychic abilities, bridging gaps in all communication efforts, and providing a link for transmitting or receiving healing energy. It immediately aligns the chakras and subtle bodies, bringing tranquility and a calming effect to the whole being. It is an exceptional stone for transitioning into deep meditative states. Kyanite promotes good communication, bridging the gap between different beliefs and ideas, and encourages self-expression and speaking one's truth.

Larimar – embodies the tranquil Sea and Sky energies, yet was born of Fire. Brings the ancient wisdom of Atlantis and the healing power of dolphins to harmonize the body and soul. Powerful connection to the Divine Feminine. Is helpful in releasing emotional bonds, patterns and what no longer serves. It is particularly helpful with removing guilt and fear and healing trauma to the heart. Removes self-imposed blockages, dissolves self-sabotaging behavior, especially a tendency toward martyrdom. When moving through periods of stress or change, it enables meeting challenges with balance. Is a stone of serenity, promoting relaxation. A crystal of the throat chakra and unleashes the voice of one’s deepest wisdom. Stone of clear communication, provides strength and courage to speak openly from the heart. Spiritually empowering, dissolving boundaries that constrain the spiritual self and guiding to the soul’s true path.

Turquoise - one of the oldest protection amulets, and was also known as a symbol of wealth in many ancient cultures. Strength, protection from harm, psychic sensitivity and connection to the spirit world. A truth stone, it symbolizes a time to be honest with yourself. Much will be gained when you become still and see yourself as you truly are. This gemstone is a stone of self-realization helping you to better understand yourself, your ideas and emotions. It is a wonderful aid in analytical thinking. Attunes the physical to the higher realms. Aligns all chakras, creating a clear channel for the nurturing and creative energy of this sacred stone. Assists with strengthening boundaries for Empaths.

Angelite - a lovely blue stone with a peaceful energy that is calming and soothing. Stimulates the birth of psychic gifts, and aids with channeling and mediumship. It has a vibration that is very helpful to aid contact with beings in the higher realms and in particular with members of the angelic kingdom. A strong communication stone, and an extremely helpful healing crystal.

Blue Lace Agate - is a gentle, calming stone that brings you grace and tranquility! It lessen anger and calms nervousness; brings peace, inspiration and it enhances clear self-expression, while helping to access the highest energetic realms; opens self-expression, as it allows you to speak your truth peacefully and calmly, and aids in releasing your fears. One of the best stones for opening your Throat Chakra. It can help bring stronger intuition and inner knowing.

Herkimer Diamond – powerful amplifier for energies of other stones. Aids in being and enhancing spontaneity. Often called the “Stone of Attunement” and can be used for healers to attune clients. Brings clarity, truth and inner wisdom. Initiate a deep inner transformation of self and assists with dreams and inner vision. Assists with telepathy, clairvoyance, channeling, trance channeling, meditation and communication with the Higher Self and Spirit Guides. Enliven and promote creativity. Clear all chakras and allows energy to flow.

Spirit Quartz - increases your physical and intellectual fertility; stimulates group cohesiveness and the spirit of cooperation, activating the group-cohesive energy of other crystals nearby, enhancing harmony and peace within your home, families, groups and in other social or business settings. Balances Chakras. It helps with manifesting abundance and elevating your self-worth; releases fear and unhelpful memories and fosters emotional peace and happiness. Transmutes negative energy into positive energy, and is a powerful protective stone on the physical, mental and spiritual levels. Spirit Quartz is excellent for astral projection, dream work, shamanic journeying, and re-birthing. It enhances creativity and instills a childlike sense of wonder and awe. Fosters glee and playfulness and is attuned to Mother Earth.

Pink Botswana Agate -. Helps with centering in meditation, supports love and the strength. Promotes inner stability, composure, and maturity. Its warm, protective properties encourage security and self-confidence. It is comforting and protective, soothing to those who are lonely, easily hurt or grieve a loss. Great for someone who is feeling bullied or unfairly treated. Fosters spiritual growth and higher awareness. Stimulates the Root Chakra, empowering personal safety, groundedness and creativity. Sometimes called the "change stone" because of its mystical property of helping one handle change in a positive way. It is said to gently help one make transitions of any kind in a way that change is not as difficult or painful as could be without it.

Chrysocolla - giving you renewed strength and balance. It can also help you to become attuned to the Earth and assists with communicating with the spiritual forces of the Earth. Calms, cleans and reenergizes all the chakras and aligns the with the divine. Draws out guilt and reverses destructive emotional programming. Heals heartache and increases the capacity to love. Improves communication, encourages growth and opens psychic vision. Encourages self-awareness and inner balance. Enhances personal power and creativity.

Bismuth - can be a wonderful stone to use for focus, visualization and shamanic journeying. It can prevent you from becoming overwhelmed by all of your responsibilities while at the same time increasing your energy levels to deal with them. Relieves feelings of loneliness or isolation. It is a stone of transformation and change, helping to adapt to change with calm assurance. Bismuth encourages cohesiveness, so would be very helpful in group and/or relationship dynamics. Transforms energy in all chakras. Assists with accessing higher wisdom.

Blue Calcite - soothes frayed nerves and lessens anxieties. Facilitates physical healing by clearing negative emotions and encouraging rest and relaxation. Enhances or activates the intuition and inner sight. Amplifies energy in the Throat Chakra, allowing clear communication, especially among differing or opposing points of view. Can promote an optimistic point of view by helping one to see the perfection of the Universe. A powerful energy amplifier and cleanser. The purifying energy cleans out stored negative energy from a room, the body, etc.

Hematite –Hematite brings relief and peace from stress and revitalizes energy. It enhances personal magnetism and optimism and assists in grounding. Strengthens Heart chakra. Repels negative energies. Assists with strengthening boundaries for Empaths. Assists in the release of preconditioned patterns and helps to open up to seeing other points of view.

Apatite - Stone of Acceptance, contributes to an unconditional acceptance of circumstances and people. Use to balance your physical, mental and energetic bodies and remove blocks from your chakras. Use Apatite to deepen meditations, enhance insight, develop psychic awareness, increase creativity and inspire self-confidence. It increases self-awareness and clears mental confusion, creates peace and aids with acceptance and surrender, inner calm and dissolves aloofness and negativity.

Apophyllite - used to create a conscious connection between your physical form and the spiritual realm. Activates your heart energies and assists you in being a channel of pure love. Excellent for clarity of thought and enhancing inner knowing, especially when faced with any belief systems which are based on fear; great for loving yourself and aiding you in becoming more spiritually whole.

Red Tanzberry Quartz – (aventurine with lithium and chromium inclusions) is a combination of earth and fire elements. A stone of vitality, confidence, creativity, transformation and sexuality. Aids in motivating you to make your dreams a reality. Red Tanzberry gives you the feeling that you can handle the world. Assists you in overcoming problems and persevere in difficult situations. This crystal also makes it easier to forgive yourself.

Pyrite - a stone of intellect and protection. It enhances intelligence, mental stability, logic, analysis, creativity, memory, and psychic development. It can help you tap your own latent mental talents and abilities. Pyrite is a powerful protection stone and is very grounding.

Rooster Medicine - Feathers - symbolizes personal strength, self-promotion, and recognition. Roosters are very assertive and proud to show off their lovely plumage. Roosters arrive to announce the dawn of a new day - and with that the potential for new possibilities. Reminds you to be enthusiastic and positive and helps to reveal unseen abilities.

Infused with the energies of Reiki & The Councils of Light.

32 inches long.

Comes with a card that describes all the properties of the wand, perfect for gift giving.

Download my free Self-Love Guided Shamanic Sound Meditation -

Selenite,Pink Amethyst,Chalcedony,White Calcite,Cobalt Calcite,Kunzite,Pink Tourmaline,Howlite with Black Tourmaline,Rhodochrosite,Heulandite,Scolecite,Rose Quartz,Dumortierite

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Selenite, Pink Amethyst, Chalcedony, White Calcite, Cobalt Calcite, Kunzite, Pink Tourmaline, Shamanic Healing Altar Piece, OOAK Ceremony

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Shamanic Healing Altar Piece- Selenite, Pink Amethyst, Chalcedony, White Calcite, Cobalt Calcite

Awakening to Love
Assists with Connecting to Higher Realms, Mother Earth, the Divine Feminine, the Water Element & Inner Wisdom; Strengthens & Heals the Crown Chakra; Promotes Higher Consciousness; Assists with Healing & Releasing Old Wounds & Trauma; Opens the Heart to Higher Levels of Love & Possibilities; Offers Protection; Amplifies Healing; Quickens Spiritual Awakening; Promotes Spiritual & Psychic Development; Enhances Channeling, Inner Vision & Psychic Gifts; Opens the Throat Chakra Empowering Heart Centered Communication; Promotes Transformation & Evolution; Aligns the Chakras & Subtle Bodies; Assists with Healing & Releasing Self-Imposed Blocks, Patterned Toxic Emotions, Negative Thought Patterns & Deep Emotional Wounds; Opens the Heart and High Heart Allowing Pure Love to Flow Through; Fosters Self-Love, Acceptance of Body Temple & Confidence; Encourages Wisdom, Strength, Calm Mind, Love, Prosperity, Truthfulness, Open, Clarity, Creativity, Courage, Peace & Happiness.

Selenite - clears your Chakras of blockages and heals your physical body. It balances your relationship with the Universe, assists you in connecting with other people and all of life. It let’s you consciously understand your own Truth, the part of yourself that is pure spirit, helping you to work with your purpose for being in this physical existence. Has the ability to help you filter out ego-based messages and thoughts, it is an excellent crystal for meditation. Selenite is a stone of mental clarity, enhancing mental flexibility, strengthening decisions, and also helping to clear up mental confusion.

Pink Amethyst - offers strong protection against the negative energies of the environment and the bad spirits around you. Assists with achieving bigger goals in life. It aids in healing and releasing old wounds. Strengthens the health of 7th chakra and relieves all ailments associated. It directs the personal power to align with the highest goals in life. Aids with opening to new relationships. Enhances the connection with the higher states of meditation and consciousness.

Chalcedony - invokes a stillness of silent reverence. A nurturing stone, absorbs negative energy and dissipates it. Promotes brotherhood and good will, opening the mind to new ideas, instilling feelings of benevolence and generosity. Eases self-doubt and brings a helpful peace to inner reflection. It can remove hostility and encourage a light-hearted optimism. A stone of communication, stimulates the Throat Chakra. Is a powerful stone for communicating with Spirit and can be used to encourage speaking in tongues or the language of Light. It is very beneficial in repairing wounds and deep anger patterns in the energy field.

White Calcite - amplifies and cleanses energy from the environment. Restores motivation and accelerates growth and development. Raises consciousness, links to higher spiritual states and awakens psychic abilities. Absorbs energy and returns it to the sender having transmuted and amplified it. Cleanses the auric field and chakras, and is the stone of new beginnings. Useful for past life healing situations.

Cobalt Calcite - a druzy, crystalline form of Pink Calcite & will allow the integration of positive energy within all levels of your Chakra system. The positive energy being love, compassion, and the understanding of unity within diversity. This brings tolerance, forgiveness and ultimately the complete expression of Universal love and self-love. It relieves all stress, tension and anxiety, especially about your physical body. Cobaltian Calcite's energy can just melt and dissolve your resistance to loving yourself enough to honor your body as the temple of your soul.

Kunzite - is a Stone of Emotion, opening and connecting the heart to the mind and stimulating a healing communion between the two. Encourages releasing walls built around the heart for protection and being receptive to the experience of unconditional and abundant love. Releases tension and promotes joy. Extremely helpful when learning to unconditionally love and accept your body. Can strengthen the human energy field, clear the aura, and clear negative energy from a room or environment. One of the strongest crystals in the pack for sweeping away any kind of dark feelings of gloom or negative thinking. Promotes peace by soothing the nervous system.

Pink Tourmaline (Rubellite) – great for self-love, compassion, promoting feelings of joy and enthusiasm; releasing old hurts; aids in trusting the power of love; allows you to embrace your inner strength, confidence and balance.

Howlite - known for its strong associations with self-awareness, creativity, and improving one’s emotional well-being and attitudes. Aids in dispelling anger, resentfulness, selfishness, and allows one to look inside the for answers. It also aids in communicating the negative emotions with a clearer emotional expression, which will always result in calmer ‘confrontations’. It decreases the over critical mind and quite helpful for those who tend to procrastinate. Assists with gaining insight from one’s past lives.
Black Tourmaline - clears negative emotions and thoughts and opens you up to joy and honesty. Aids in the receptivity of inspiration and allows it to flow freely into your mind. Repels negative energy. Is a powerful protector. Helps you break through old patterns and fears, and cultivate inner wisdom, courage, stability and patience. Meditation with Black Tourmaline can enhance the integration of insights and visions into one's daily life.

Rhodochrosite – perfect for balancing emotions; cleansing and balancing the Heart chakra; promotes acceptance of the past; assists in loving the self; assists in releasing self from blame, invokes courage, will & passion. A powerful emotional healer, radiating a strong energy of Divine Love; Deepens connections and love for Pacha Mama (Gaia).

Heulandite - assists in moving through inter-dimensional spaces and facilitates the reading and understanding of Akashic Records. Facilitates meditative states and aids with channeling. Aids with healing and releasing the past so that you can be open to possibilities. Supports the evolution of the brain and the development of higher consciousness. Stimulates dreams and visions. Opens the third eye chakra. Powerful tool for self-healing.

Scolecite - a stone of connections, patterns, and peace. It has energy for helping to see patterns of information, make connections, network, and collect patterns together. Can also assist with understanding the root of a problem or issue or challenge so that it can be worked with and overcome successfully. This energy can help take control of life so that what you want can be manifested. The peaceful energies are far-reaching and can help one learn gentleness, inner peace, living from the heart with peace and lack of fear. Opens one up to the spiritual realms beyond the physical plane.

Rose Quartz – Stone of Unconditional Love and Infinite Peace; purifies and opens the heart; brings deep inner healing and self-love; strengthens empathy and sensitivity; aids in releasing unexpressed emotions; invokes forgiveness and acceptance. Soothes social anxiety.

Dumortierite - Blue Quartz - brings this sense of order and clarity to all things, and releases fear, bringing courage to one's life. It is also acts as a booster for creativity and expression, bringing raw creative energy into an organized state allowing higher expression of that creativity. Raises spiritual development, as well as contact with spirit guides and angels. It can also help you express your spiritual thoughts and dreams. Is excellent for peaceful mindfulness or meditation bringing clarity to the connection with the universe. Assists with co-dependency issues.

Azurite – Guides psychic and intuitive development; urges the soul toward enlightenment; cleanses and stimulates the 3rd eye; raises consciousness to higher level; facilitates meditative and channeling state; powerful healer; aids in understanding the effect of the mind and emotions on the body.

Abalone Shell - is purported to be especially useful for handling and calming emotional situations and be very soothing to the emotions. Having abalone nearby when working through an emotional situation with someone can be beneficial and may enhance cooperation. Stimulates psychic development and intuition. It is also said to promote imagination in a healthy way. Associated with the first three chakras.

Blue Kyanite - The high vibration and rapid transfers of energy from Kyanite create pathways where none existed before. Like a universal bridge, it is an extraordinary crystal of connection, opening the mind centers, enhancing telepathic and psychic abilities, bridging gaps in all communication efforts, and providing a link for transmitting or receiving healing energy. It immediately aligns the chakras and subtle bodies, bringing tranquility and a calming effect to the whole being. It is an exceptional stone for transitioning into deep meditative states. Kyanite promotes good communication, bridging the gap between different beliefs and ideas, and encourages self-expression and speaking one's truth.

Larimar – embodies the tranquil Sea and Sky energies, yet was born of Fire. Brings the ancient wisdom of Atlantis and the healing power of dolphins to harmonize the body and soul. Powerful connection to the Divine Feminine. Is helpful in releasing emotional bonds, patterns and what no longer serves. It is particularly helpful with removing guilt and fear and healing trauma to the heart. Removes self-imposed blockages, dissolves self-sabotaging behavior, especially a tendency toward martyrdom. When moving through periods of stress or change, it enables meeting challenges with balance. Is a stone of serenity, promoting relaxation. A crystal of the throat chakra and unleashes the voice of one’s deepest wisdom. Stone of clear communication, provides strength and courage to speak openly from the heart. Spiritually empowering, dissolving boundaries that constrain the spiritual self and guiding to the soul’s true path.

Turquoise - one of the oldest protection amulets, and was also known as a symbol of wealth in many ancient cultures. Strength, protection from harm, psychic sensitivity and connection to the spirit world. A truth stone, it symbolizes a time to be honest with yourself. Much will be gained when you become still and see yourself as you truly are. This gemstone is a stone of self-realization helping you to better understand yourself, your ideas and emotions. It is a wonderful aid in analytical thinking. Attunes the physical to the higher realms. Aligns all chakras, creating a clear channel for the nurturing and creative energy of this sacred stone. Assists with strengthening boundaries for Empaths.

Angelite - a lovely blue stone with a peaceful energy that is calming and soothing. Stimulates the birth of psychic gifts, and aids with channeling and mediumship. It has a vibration that is very helpful to aid contact with beings in the higher realms and in particular with members of the angelic kingdom. A strong communication stone, and an extremely helpful healing crystal.

Blue Lace Agate - is a gentle, calming stone that brings you grace and tranquility! It lessen anger and calms nervousness; brings peace, inspiration and it enhances clear self-expression, while helping to access the highest energetic realms; opens self-expression, as it allows you to speak your truth peacefully and calmly, and aids in releasing your fears. One of the best stones for opening your Throat Chakra. It can help bring stronger intuition and inner knowing.

Herkimer Diamond – powerful amplifier for energies of other stones. Aids in being and enhancing spontaneity. Often called the “Stone of Attunement” and can be used for healers to attune clients. Brings clarity, truth and inner wisdom. Initiate a deep inner transformation of self and assists with dreams and inner vision. Assists with telepathy, clairvoyance, channeling, trance channeling, meditation and communication with the Higher Self and Spirit Guides. Enliven and promote creativity. Clear all chakras and allows energy to flow.

Spirit Quartz - increases your physical and intellectual fertility; stimulates group cohesiveness and the spirit of cooperation, activating the group-cohesive energy of other crystals nearby, enhancing harmony and peace within your home, families, groups and in other social or business settings. Balances Chakras. It helps with manifesting abundance and elevating your self-worth; releases fear and unhelpful memories and fosters emotional peace and happiness. Transmutes negative energy into positive energy, and is a powerful protective stone on the physical, mental and spiritual levels. Spirit Quartz is excellent for astral projection, dream work, shamanic journeying, and re-birthing. It enhances creativity and instills a childlike sense of wonder and awe. Fosters glee and playfulness and is attuned to Mother Earth.

Pink Botswana Agate -. Helps with centering in meditation, supports love and the strength. Promotes inner stability, composure, and maturity. Its warm, protective properties encourage security and self-confidence. It is comforting and protective, soothing to those who are lonely, easily hurt or grieve a loss. Great for someone who is feeling bullied or unfairly treated. Fosters spiritual growth and higher awareness. Stimulates the Root Chakra, empowering personal safety, groundedness and creativity. Sometimes called the "change stone" because of its mystical property of helping one handle change in a positive way. It is said to gently help one make transitions of any kind in a way that change is not as difficult or painful as could be without it.

Chrysocolla - giving you renewed strength and balance. It can also help you to become attuned to the Earth and assists with communicating with the spiritual forces of the Earth. Calms, cleans and reenergizes all the chakras and aligns the with the divine. Draws out guilt and reverses destructive emotional programming. Heals heartache and increases the capacity to love. Improves communication, encourages growth and opens psychic vision. Encourages self-awareness and inner balance. Enhances personal power and creativity.

Bismuth - can be a wonderful stone to use for focus, visualization and shamanic journeying. It can prevent you from becoming overwhelmed by all of your responsibilities while at the same time increasing your energy levels to deal with them. Relieves feelings of loneliness or isolation. It is a stone of transformation and change, helping to adapt to change with calm assurance. Bismuth encourages cohesiveness, so would be very helpful in group and/or relationship dynamics. Transforms energy in all chakras. Assists with accessing higher wisdom.

Blue Calcite - soothes frayed nerves and lessens anxieties. Facilitates physical healing by clearing negative emotions and encouraging rest and relaxation. Enhances or activates the intuition and inner sight. Amplifies energy in the Throat Chakra, allowing clear communication, especially among differing or opposing points of view. Can promote an optimistic point of view by helping one to see the perfection of the Universe. A powerful energy amplifier and cleanser. The purifying energy cleans out stored negative energy from a room, the body, etc.

Hematite –Hematite brings relief and peace from stress and revitalizes energy. It enhances personal magnetism and optimism and assists in grounding. Strengthens Heart chakra. Repels negative energies. Assists with strengthening boundaries for Empaths. Assists in the release of preconditioned patterns and helps to open up to seeing other points of view.

Apatite - Stone of Acceptance, contributes to an unconditional acceptance of circumstances and people. Use to balance your physical, mental and energetic bodies and remove blocks from your chakras. Use Apatite to deepen meditations, enhance insight, develop psychic awareness, increase creativity and inspire self-confidence. It increases self-awareness and clears mental confusion, creates peace and aids with acceptance and surrender, inner calm and dissolves aloofness and negativity.

Apophyllite - used to create a conscious connection between your physical form and the spiritual realm. Activates your heart energies and assists you in being a channel of pure love. Excellent for clarity of thought and enhancing inner knowing, especially when faced with any belief systems which are based on fear; great for loving yourself and aiding you in becoming more spiritually whole.

Red Tanzberry Quartz – (aventurine with lithium and chromium inclusions) is a combination of earth and fire elements. A stone of vitality, confidence, creativity, transformation and sexuality. Aids in motivating you to make your dreams a reality. Red Tanzberry gives you the feeling that you can handle the world. Assists you in overcoming problems and persevere in difficult situations. This crystal also makes it easier to forgive yourself.

Pyrite - a stone of intellect and protection. It enhances intelligence, mental stability, logic, analysis, creativity, memory, and psychic development. It can help you tap your own latent mental talents and abilities. Pyrite is a powerful protection stone and is very grounding.

Rooster Medicine - Feathers - symbolizes personal strength, self-promotion, and recognition. Roosters are very assertive and proud to show off their lovely plumage. Roosters arrive to announce the dawn of a new day - and with that the potential for new possibilities. Reminds you to be enthusiastic and positive and helps to reveal unseen abilities.

Infused with the energies of Reiki & The Councils of Light.

32 inches long.

Comes with a card that describes all the properties of the wand, perfect for gift giving.

Download my free Self-Love Guided Shamanic Sound Meditation -

Selenite,Pink Amethyst,Chalcedony,White Calcite,Cobalt Calcite,Kunzite,Pink Tourmaline,Howlite with Black Tourmaline,Rhodochrosite,Heulandite,Scolecite,Rose Quartz,Dumortierite

Only 1 available

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